5 research outputs found

    On the Solution of Incompressible Fluid Flow Equations: a Comparative Study

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    This paper studies and contrasts the performances of three iterative methods for computing the solution of large sparse linear systems arising in the numerical computations of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The emphasis is on the traditional Gauss-Seidel (GS) and Point Successive Over-relaxation (PSOR) algorithms as well as Krylov projection techniques such as Generalized Minimal Residual (GMRES). The performances of these three solvers for the second-order ï¬nite difference algebraic equations are comparatively studied by their application to solve a benchmark problem in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). It is found that as the mesh size increases, GMRES gives the fastest convergence rate in terms of cpu time and number of iterations. Keywords: viscous flows, Navier-Stokes equations, linear system, iterative, GMRE

    The Influence of the Angle of Inclination on Laminar Natural Convection in a Square Enclosure

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    This paper discusses the results obtained by the numerical modeling of natural convection in a water-ï¬lled two-dimensional square enclosure inclined to the horizontal. Here, the top and bottom walls of the cavity are considered adiabatic, left vertical wall is maintained at a constant low temperature and the right vertical wall is maintained at a constant high temperature. The aim is to investigate the effects of angle of inclination on the flow patterns. We use the Krylov subspace method, GMRES, to solve the discretized formulation of the governing equations. At the validation stage, our results are in good agreement with those reported in the literature. Results are presented in the form of velocity vector and isotherm plots as well as the variation of the average Nusselt number for different angles of inclination. Keywords: natural convection, GMRES, Nusselt numbe

    Towards Optimized K Means Clustering using Nature-inspired Algorithms for Software Bug Prediction

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    In today s software development environment the necessity for providing quality software products has undoubtedly remained the largest difficulty As a result early software bug prediction in the development phase is critical for lowering maintenance costs and improving overall software performance Clustering is a well-known unsupervised method for data classification and finding related patterns hidden in dataset

    An Implicit Partial Pivoting Gauss Elimination Algorithm for Linear System of Equations with Fuzzy Parameters

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    This paper considers the solution of fully fuzzy linear system (FFLS) by first reducing the system to crisp linear system. The novelty of this article lies in the application of Gauss elimination procedure with implicit partial pivoting to FFLS. The method is presented in detail and we use the Matlab software for implementing the algorithm. Numerical examples are illustrated to demonstrate the efficiency of the variant of Gauss elimination method for solving FFLS. Keywords: fully fuzzy linear system, fuzzy number, gauss elimination, partial pivoting, implici

    An evolutionary Multilayer Perceptron algorithm for real time river flood prediction

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    Severe flash flood events give very little opportunity for issuing warnings. In this paper, we approach the automated and real time prediction of river flooding by proposing and evaluating different variations of the conventional Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) machine learning algorithm. Our first approach follows a trial and error attempt to optimize the MLP architecture. The second and third approaches are based on the application of nature inspired evolutionary techniques, namely the Genetic Algorithm (MLP-GA) and the Bat Algorithm (MLP-BA) respectively. The MLP-GA generates an improved MLP configuration and MLP-BA enhances the training method. Our fourth, novel approach (MLP-BA-GA) is based on the application of GA to further optimize both the BA and MLP architecture. When compared with previous work, experiments show improvement in the accuracy of river flood prediction, with significant results for the MLP-BA-GA